
Showing posts with the label learn html in hindi

A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- III

   In our previous blog,  A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- II , in which we talked about adding formatting to the text, creating lists etc. Now we are going to talk about Adding an image, creating tables etc. So, let's get started. Step 10 – Add An Image   Most people agree that webpages full of text are boring. The best websites have lots of images, so let’s add an image to our site. We can add an image using the <img> tag. The image element is one of the few elements that doesn’t require a closing tag. We include all the important information as attributes inside the <img> tag. There are three main attributes we can use with images – the source attribute, the alternative text attribute and the style attribute. The src source attribute is used to define the location of the image we want to display. The location could be the address of a file stored somewhere else on the web, or it could be the location of an ima...

A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- II | Codin India

  In our previous blog, we talked about  A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- I , in which we study how to create a HTML document and how to add paragraph, headings etc. Now we are going to talk about adding formatting to the text, creating lists etc. So, let's get started. Step 6 – Add Some Formatting To The Text   There are a number of different elements that let us add formatting to our text: <b> – Bold text <strong> – Important text <i> – Italic text <em> – Emphasized text <mark> – Marked text <small> – Small text <del> – Deleted text <ins> – Inserted text <sub> – Subscript text <sup> – Superscript text Some of these elements have identical displays in the browser, but are actually used in different situations. <b> and <strong> will have the same result – bold text – however <strong> is preferred when the text is semantically important . ...

A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- I | Codin India

  Now that we’ve looked at the basics of HTML ,  HTML Tags  and HTML elements and attributes  it’s time to put this knowledge to use by creating an HTML document In this tutorial, we’ll go through all the steps required to turn a blank text document into a fully functional HTML document that can be viewed in a browser. We’ll look at how to add some of the most commonly used elements to a document, and we’ll try using some attributes for extra customization. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have your own “HTML Cheat Sheet” document. In the future, if you forget how to add an image to an HTML document or you’re confused about whether you should be using “ordered” or “unordered” lists, you can come back and check your HTML cheat sheet. Step 1 – Create A New Document In Your Text Editor The first thing we’re going to do is open up our text editor and create a new document. For this guide we’ll be using the Brackets text editor, but you can use any text editor you like...