
Showing posts with the label python machine learning

What is Series in Pandas? Data Science full course in Hindi for free | Codin India

  Series is one-dimensional labeled array in Python Pandas which is capable of holding data of any type i.e. integer, float, characters, etc. The axis labels are collectively called index. How Series can be Created? It can be created using list, numpy arrays, from dictionaries, from scaler objects, etc. Let us explore it one by one. Syntax:- Import pandas as pd Pd.Series(data, index, dtype) Where pd is pandas alias, Series is Function through which we create it Series, data is the data we are creating, index is index of data and dtype is type of the data.       1. Create Series from  Python List:- Pandas Series can be created by Python List. We can create python list and there after call Python’s Pandas Series function to convert List into Series. Let us understand it by Code:-  Explanation:- First we imported modules and created a Python's list (list1). After that we called Pandas Series Function to convert Python List into Series. Here we have not passed ...