A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- I | Codin India

 Now that we’ve looked at the basics of HTMLHTML Tags and HTML elements and attributes it’s time to put this knowledge to use by creating an HTML document

In this tutorial, we’ll go through all the steps required to turn a blank text document into a fully functional HTML document that can be viewed in a browser. We’ll look at how to add some of the most commonly used elements to a document, and we’ll try using some attributes for extra customization.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have your own “HTML Cheat Sheet” document. In the future, if you forget how to add an image to an HTML document or you’re confused about whether you should be using “ordered” or “unordered” lists, you can come back and check your HTML cheat sheet.

Step 1 – Create A New Document In Your Text Editor

The first thing we’re going to do is open up our text editor and create a new document.

For this guide we’ll be using the Brackets text editor, but you can use any text editor you like.

Once you’ve created a new blank document, click “Save” and give the document a name. There are a number of naming conventions that you need to follow when creating an HTML document.

  • HTML documents should be saved with the .html file extension.
  • The default homepage of a website will usually be named “Example.html”, as this is the default file that browsers look for when accessing a website.
  • You should only use alphanumerics (a-z, 0-9), dashes (-), underscores (_) or tildes (~) in the page name.
  • You should only use lower case letters as some servers are sensitive to case.
  • Never use spaces in the file name of HTML documents.
  • It’s a good idea to create a naming convention and stick to it when planning a complex site.

You can pick any name you like as long as it follows these rules. For this guide, we’re going to name our document “Example.html”.


Step 2 – Create A Basic HTML Template

Next, we’re going to create a basic HTML template that you can use for any future HTML documents. We’re going to add four elements – DOCTYPE, html, head and body.

On the first line of the document, add this element:

<!DOCTYPE html>

This is a special declaration that helps the browser display the page correctly by telling it the type of code we’re writing (in this case it’s HTML5). It should appear once at the start of the document before any other elements. This is a special element that doesn’t require a closing tag.

Next, we’re going to add the HTML opening and closing tags. These tags tell the browser that everything between the two tags is the HTML code that the browser needs to interpret.

We’re going to be adding lots of code between these two tags, so we’ll write each tag on a separate line. Add these two lines to your code:



Next, we’re going to add the head opening and closing tags on separate lines inside the html element.

The head element contains meta information about the document that will not be displayed by the browser. We’re going to add things to the head element later, so we’ll put a blank line between the two head tags to make it easier to read. Go ahead and add <head>, a blank line and </head> to the html element. It should look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>





The last thing we’re going to add to our template is the body element. The body element contains important information about the document that will be displayed by the browser. This is where we will write most of our code.

The body element requires an opening tag and a closing tag, and it should be written inside the html element, after the head element. Go ahead and add the two body tags, as well as a blank line in-between. It should look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>







This template will form the foundation of our HTML document. In your text editor, it should look something like this (note: the numbers on the left side are included by some text editors to make your code easier to read – they are NOT part of the code):

Step 3 – Add A Page Title And Practice Some Indenting


The next thing we’re going to do is add a title to our page.

The page title is different from the file name. The page title is what is displayed in the browser tab, and it is also what is indexed when search engines (such as Google) crawl your site.

We write the page title inside the title element, which we add to the head element of our document. When we add the title element to the head, we’re going to indent it.

Indenting an element simply means moving it one step to the right. The reason we do this is to make our code easier to read.

Go ahead and add an opening title tag, the title of your page (it can be anything you like), and a closing title tag to the head element. Don’t forget to indent your element one step. When you’ve done that, the document should look like this:

Step 4 – Add Some Headings And Preview In The Browser


It’s time to start adding some content to the body of our HTML document. The first thing we’ll start adding are headings.

Headings are very important.

Headings define the structure of your document. Search engines use headings to index the structure and content of your page. If you don’t have your headings set up properly, it may be harder for people to find your page when they use a search engine.

People also use headings to skim through webpages, so having a good heading structure makes your page more reader friendly.

We can use the <h1> to <h6> tags to define our headings. <h1> the most important heading and <h6> is the least important heading.

To see how headings work, let’s go ahead and add six headings to our document. The headings should be in the body element, and should be indented one step. You can put any text you’d like as the heading content. For this guide, we’ll just name them “Heading X”.

Add these lines to your body element:

<h1>Heading 1</h1>

<h2>Heading 2</h2>

<h3>Heading 3</h3>

<h4>Heading 4</h4>

<h5>Heading 5</h5>

<h6>Heading 6</h6>

Your document should look like this:

Now that we’ve got some content in our document, let’s see what the document looks like in our browser.

Save the HTML file in your text editor. Now go to the directory where you save the file then open the file using browser.

When you open the document in the browser, it should look like this:

Notice how we have six different sized headings. We also have the page title showing in the browser tab.

From now on, anytime you make changes to the HTML document you should save the file and preview it in your browser, just to make sure that you haven’t made any errors.


Step 5 – Add Some Paragraph Text


The next thing we’ll do is add some paragraph elements. Paragraphs contain all our basic text content, and can be created using the <p> tag.

Adding text to a paragraph element is much the same as writing regular text except for one important difference: the browser will remove any extra spaces or lines when displaying the text.

For example, this code:


This is

a long paragraph.

It has

many lines

of HTML code.


Will actually display as:

This is a long paragraph. It has many lines of HTML code.

Another example is this code:

<p> This code has some extra spaces in some very strange places. </p>

Will actually display as:

This code has some extra spaces in some very strange places.

If we want to our code to display on a new line, we can use the <br> page break tag. Anytime we insert this tag into our paragraph code, the following text will start on a new line. The page break tag is always empty, so it doesn’t require a closing tag.

If we add some page break tags to the first example, we can make it display on separate lines.

This code:


This is<br>

a long paragraph.<br>

It has<br>

many lines<br>

of HTML code.


Should display like this:

This is

a long paragraph.

It has

many lines

of HTML code.

Let’s add two paragraphs to our HTML document. We’ll add them below the headings. The first paragraphs will be a simple short paragraph:

<p>This is a short paragraph</p>

The second paragraph will be a long paragraph that we’ll break up over a few lines:


This is a longer paragraph.<br>

We’re using page breaks<br>

to have it display<br>

on four lines.


Our code should look like this:

You can open the file in your browser to make sure it displays properly.


The Output window will show:

In our next blog we talk about how to add formatting and style to text etc.

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