Why HTTPS matters? What is HTTPS? - Codin India


What is HTTP?

HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTML is a protocol which allows the fetching of resources, such as HTML documents. It is foundation of any data exchange on the web. It is client-server protocol which means requests are initiated by the recipient on web servers. It transfers data from one webpage to other web pages and from client side to server side and vice-versa.   

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS is an advanced version of HTTP. Where "s" in HTTPS stands for secure. It is used for a secure connections between web pages. It is used where there is any type of Data Transfers, transaction etc.

You should always protect all of your websites with HTTPS, even if they don't handle sensitive data communications. Aside from providing critical security and data integrity for both your websites and users' personal information, Https is a requirement for many new browser features, particularly those required for progressive web pages.


  • Intruders both malicious and kind both exploit any unprotected and user-related data of your website.
  • Many intruders may look at aggregate behaviours to identify your users.
  • HTTPS doesn't just block misuse of your website. It's also a requirement for many cutting-edge features and an enabling technology for app-like capabilities such as service workers.

HTTPS protects the integrity of your website

HTTPS helps prevent intruders from tampering with the communications between your websites and user's browsers. Intruders include intentionally malicious attackers, and legitimate but intrusive comapnies, such as ISP's and Hotels that injects ads into web pages.

Intruders exploit unprotected communication to trick your users into giving up sensitive information or installing malware, or inserting their own advertisements into your resources. For example:- some third parties inject advertisements into websites that potentially break user experiences and create security vulnerabilities.

Intruders exploit every unprotected resource that travels between your websites and your users. Images, cookies,scripts, HTML documents all are vulnerable. Intrusions can occur any time including users harware also i.e. WIFI, Hotspot, ISP or IP etc.

HTTPS protects the privacy and security of your users

HTTPS prevents intruders from being able to passively listen to communications between your websites and your users.

One common misconception about HTTPS is that only websites that need HTTPS are those that handles sensitive communications. Every unprotected HTTP request can potentially reveal information about the behaviors and identities of your users. Although a single visit to one of your unprotected websites may seem benign, some intruders look at the aggregate browsing activities of your users to make inferences about their behaviours and intentions.

HTTPS is the future of the website?

Yes, HTTPS is the future of the web. Powerful, new web platform features, such as taking pictures or recording audio with getUserMedia(), enabling offline app experience with service workers, or building progressive web app requires explicit permission from the user before executing. Many older API's are also being updated to require permission to execute, such as GEOLOCATION API.

HTTPS is a key component to the permission workflows for both these new features and updated API's.

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