
Introduction to Python Programming - coding india

Welcome to the exciting world of programming. This course is designed for beginners as well as Professionals.  Before diving into the concepts, let's discuss about fundamentals of Python and its applications. What is Python? Python is a widely used high-level programming language created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. It is a simple, general purpose, high level, and object-oriented programming language. Python is also an interpreted scripting language. Python is also known as multipurpose programming language because it can be used to create web applications, GUI, softwares, games etc. Python is widely used for Data Science, Machine Learning (ML) , AI (Artificial Intelligence) and deep learning. Python 2 vs Python 3 In most of the programming languages, whenever a new version releases, it supports the features and syntax of the existing version of the language, therefore, it is easier for the projects to switch in the newer version. However, in the case of Python, the two versions...

HTML and CSS Styles

 One of the major requirements or necessities of a developer working on a web-page is to make it attractive to the users. HTML5 efficiently facilitates the development of static web-pages, but to add more styles(to images, content, backgrounds, etc.), cascading style sheets CSS are used. In this HTML Tutorial, we will learn connection between HTML and CSS. So let’s start!!!! Linking CSS to HTML CSS is a language used for styling the HTML document and displaying its elements as per your preference . Uses of HTML CSS HTML elements can be made more attractive and appealing by using cascading style sheets. HTML documents can be incompatible with different devices; they can be made compatible with the help of CSS. Transition and animation effects can be added, without writing any complex JavaScript codes. The same style rules can be easily applied to various HTML elements without any hassle. An element can have dynamic s...

Data Structure and Algorithms - Stack(8)

  A Stack is a linear data structure that follows the   LIFO (Last-In-First-Out)   principle. Stack has one end, whereas the Queue has two ends ( front and rear ). It contains only one pointer   top pointer   pointing to the topmost element of the stack. Whenever an element is added in the stack, it is added on the top of the stack, and the element can be deleted only from the stack. In other words, a   stack can be defined as a container in which insertion and deletion can be done from the one end known as the top of the stack. Some key points related to stack It is called as stack because it behaves like a real-world stack, piles of books, etc. A Stack is an abstract data type with a pre-defined capacity, which means that it can store the elements of a limited size. It is a data structure that follows some order to insert and delete the elements, and that order can be LIFO or FILO. Working of Stack Stack works on the LIFO pattern. As we can observe in the...

A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- III

   In our previous blog,  A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- II , in which we talked about adding formatting to the text, creating lists etc. Now we are going to talk about Adding an image, creating tables etc. So, let's get started. Step 10 – Add An Image   Most people agree that webpages full of text are boring. The best websites have lots of images, so let’s add an image to our site. We can add an image using the <img> tag. The image element is one of the few elements that doesn’t require a closing tag. We include all the important information as attributes inside the <img> tag. There are three main attributes we can use with images – the source attribute, the alternative text attribute and the style attribute. The src source attribute is used to define the location of the image we want to display. The location could be the address of a file stored somewhere else on the web, or it could be the location of an ima...

Data Structure - Circular Linked List (7)

  Circular Linked List is a variation of Linked list in which the first element points to the last element and the last element points to the first element. Both Singly Linked List and Doubly Linked List can be made into a circular linked list. Singly Linked List as Circular In singly linked list, the next pointer of the last node points to the first node. Doubly Linked List as Circular In doubly linked list, the next pointer of the last node points to the first node and the previous pointer of the first node points to the last node making the circular in both directions. As per the above illustration, following are the important points to be considered. The last link's next points to the first link of the list in both cases of singly as well as doubly linked list. The first link's previous points to the last of the list in case of doubly linked list. Basic Operations Following are the important operations supported by a circular list. insert  − Inserts an element at the start...

A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- II | Codin India

  In our previous blog, we talked about  A Step-By-Step Tutorial For Coding Your First HTML Document- I , in which we study how to create a HTML document and how to add paragraph, headings etc. Now we are going to talk about adding formatting to the text, creating lists etc. So, let's get started. Step 6 – Add Some Formatting To The Text   There are a number of different elements that let us add formatting to our text: <b> – Bold text <strong> – Important text <i> – Italic text <em> – Emphasized text <mark> – Marked text <small> – Small text <del> – Deleted text <ins> – Inserted text <sub> – Subscript text <sup> – Superscript text Some of these elements have identical displays in the browser, but are actually used in different situations. <b> and <strong> will have the same result – bold text – however <strong> is preferred when the text is semantically important . ...