
Showing posts with the label tutorial

How to search for a string in text files in Python?

  In this article, we are going to see how to search for a particular string in a text file.  Ex:- We have a text file and we want to search a particular string from that file with different methods. Consider we have text file with some text bellow:-  " This is Codin India.  A Coding Platform for programmers   You can learn programming from this portal   We are expert in Python and every day we come with tips and tricks   This Channel is owned by Digamber Jha  "   We can see different method one by one. Lets start with first method. Method 1:-  First We will just find the string is present in the file or not.  If the string found then we will print  the output. Steps for searching:- Open a file. Read the file and store it in a variable. Check the condition using If statement. If the condition is true print "String found" else "String not found". Close the file. Output:- This is simple method for finding the string or text from file but has some limitations

What's The Difference Between Frontend And Backend Web Development? - Codin India

  If you just started learning web-development, you’ll probably have heard a lot about Frontend and Backend Programming . But what exactly do we mean by this?? As a beginner in this field, it is hard to know not only what is frontend , backend and full stack etc. but also what is covered by one or the other.   While the frontend and backend both are the different terms. They are just like the two sides of a coin. Now the question that arises every time is one more important then other? No. they both played very important role in Web-Development. Now let’s get started…   Ø What is Frontend Web Development? The frontend of the website or application refers to the part that user see or interact with, also referred as the “ Client Side ”, it includes everything that user experiences directly: from text and colors to buttons, images and navigation menus. This means that while web design is focused on the look of a website, front-end development is how these designs and "looks" a

Learn Data Science in 2021 | Python | Codin India

    Hey Friends, In this post we will learn about data science and career in   data science . Let us start with the definition Data Science Data Science is a field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. Data:-  Data is an unorganized collection of raw materials that are collected through observations.  Data  can be text, numbers, and strings.  How data is collected? Data is collected using cookies, when you fill out any form, when you hit the like button to something and some many others way. How collected Data is useful? Collected Data is useful in many ways. Like If you ever noticed that Youtube, Google, Amazon, and many others store your activity in the form of Data.  EX:-  you If you watched a video then Youtube will recommend you the same concepts. If you search for something on Google, then Google will show you the same stuff, Amazon uses the same algorithm if you search for

Text to Speech using python

Text2speech Today's video we are going to create Text to speech using python First of all you have to install pyttsx3 library Pyttsx3- Pypl You can just write pip install pyttsx3 in your cmd or Powershell. It will start installing in your system environment. After installation, open your text editor or IDE. Import libraries Just Import pyttsx3 import pyttsx3 as pt Start engine Now it's time to start engine of pyttsx3 module. engine= pt.init() pt is the alias that we used instead of pyttsx3. we used init() method to initialize pyttsx3 library. Here engine is the variable used to start the engine. say() say() is the pyttsx3 method to say or speek the written text. engine.say("Hello World") by calling the engine.say() method we are going to make our computer able to speek