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HTML Elements and Attributes

  In our previous blog we discussed about  HTML Tags . Now we are going to talk about HTML Elements and Attributes. HTML Elements The next thing we’re going to learn about is HTML elements. An element is an opening tag, a closing tag, and all the content that is included between the two tags . Let’s take a look at our previous example of how to use bold tags: <b>This is some text.</b> In this example, <b> is the opening tag, </b> is the closing tag, and “This is some text.” is the content. When we put it all together, we have an element . Elements are like the puzzle pieces of HTML. You take a bunch of elements and fit them together to make a complete picture. In its most basic form, a webpage is simply an HTML document that is filled with complete HTML elements. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? In most cases, elements are simple. The tricky part comes when you start putting elements within elements. Let’s take a look at the very first example we use