
Showing posts with the label codin india

Learn Data Science in 2021 | Python | Codin India

    Hey Friends, In this post we will learn about data science and career in   data science . Let us start with the definition Data Science Data Science is a field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. Data:-  Data is an unorganized collection of raw materials that are collected through observations.  Data  can be text, numbers, and strings.  How data is collected? Data is collected using cookies, when you fill out any form, when you hit the like button to something and some many others way. How collected Data is useful? Collected Data is useful in many ways. Like If you ever noticed that Youtube, Google, Amazon, and many others store your activity in the form of Data.  EX:-  you If you watched a video then Youtube will recommend you the same concepts. If you search for something on Google, then Google will show you the same stuff, Amazon uses the same algorithm if you search for

User Defined data structure - Python | codin india

  In computer science, a data structure is a logical way of organizing data in computer memory so that it can be used effectively. A data structure allows data to be added, removed, stored and maintained in a structured manner. Python supports two types of data structures: 1. Non-primitive data types:- Python has list, set, tuples and dictionary as its non-primitive data types which can also be considered its in-built data structures. List Arrays Tuples Dictionaries 2. User-defined data structures:- Data Structures that aren't supported by python but can be programmed to reflect the same functionality using concepts supported by python are user-defined data structures. There are many data structures that can be implemented this way:- Linked List Stack Queue Tree  Graphs Hash map Linked List Data Structure:- A  Linked List  is a linear data structure, in which the elements are not stored at contiguous memory location. The elements in a linked list are linked using pointers. Python c

Text to Speech using python

Text2speech Today's video we are going to create Text to speech using python First of all you have to install pyttsx3 library Pyttsx3- Pypl You can just write pip install pyttsx3 in your cmd or Powershell. It will start installing in your system environment. After installation, open your text editor or IDE. Import libraries Just Import pyttsx3 import pyttsx3 as pt Start engine Now it's time to start engine of pyttsx3 module. engine= pt.init() pt is the alias that we used instead of pyttsx3. we used init() method to initialize pyttsx3 library. Here engine is the variable used to start the engine. say() say() is the pyttsx3 method to say or speek the written text. engine.say("Hello World") by calling the engine.say() method we are going to make our computer able to speek